This story from Hughes Langston is about a little boy that tries to snatch a woman's purse because he wanted to buy some blue suede shoes . she faced him and took him to her house, to give him like a lesson of not snatch women's purses again. she treated him well and spoke to him without fear. The story finishes when the woman gave money to the boy for him to buy what he wanted. Comparing the author's life with this story we can say that he was showing that he in some moment of his life, he was that little boy. we all now that Afroamerican people in those years had a difficult life, and the racism was on its moment. Also, poverty was part of their lives and the only way to have money or something valuable was doing wrong actions, in this case stealing.
When I first read Thank you, M'am, it did not catch my attention, for me it was very boring and the end was to simple from my perspective. I read it more than one time and everything made sense for me. I started thinking about that little boy and his past, and I wondered that maybe he had a bad situation, economically talking. A little boy have a lot of desires, and for that boy his desire was to have a blue suede shoes, only that, and the only way he could have it was in the only way he learned, stealing. We can see that the woman was not happy, because a person from her same color was doing a wrong action, and that was like giving a bad image to Afroamerican people. But the woman just could give him a lesson, and that was what she did, because you can not take to jail to a little boy that just wanted a pair of shoes, that would be rude. I my personal opinion the end was touching, it tries to show not all people are bad, and when you help needy people, the reward will be double. The action from the woman was correct, and in that moment we can say that little boy will not forget that night. To let you think, here is this question: What would you do if you were that woman?
Bye and see you later guys!
Very nice Blog! I really enjoyed reading it. I think you are right about when you do good deeds you will be rewarded somehow. I try to live by that and most of the time it works. We have to be kind to receive kindness. Today, if I were in that situation I would have done the same thing as Mrs. Jones; however, I think maybe 10 years ago I wouldn’t have. We are always growing and changing thank God because 10 years ago I was more self-centered. I recommend that you type everything out in Word first in order to check spelling and grammar and then copy and paste it to your blog.